Look at the people around you and you will discover two main types, the happy ones and the unhappy ones. This feeling of happiness or unhappiness does not come from wealth, fame or material possessions; instead, it comes from within. The wealthiest person you know may actually be the most miserable, while your poorest acquaintance could be the happiest person you know, brimming with infectious optimism and positivity.
Happy individuals are happy because they choose to make themselves happy by maintaining a positive attitude about life and preserving peace within themselves.
Happy individuals are happy because they choose to make themselves happy by maintaining a positive attitude about life and preserving peace within themselves.
How do they achieve that? The answer is rather simple. They have good habits which enhance their lives and they do things differently.
1. Don't keep grudges
Keeping grudges can have detrimental effects on your life such as anxiety, stress and depression. Forgiving and forgetting helps positive feelings maintain dominance over negative ones, and sufficient energy to enjoy the good in your life.
2. Treat everyone kindly
Being kind to others and acts of selflessness increase the production of a hormone, serotonin. This hormone decreases stress and uplifts your spirits. When you treat everyone around you with respect and love, you build stronger relationships and hence, more happiness in your life.
3. Consider problems to be challenges
A happy person does not perceive anything to be a problem or a drawback. Instead, perceiving difficult situations as challenges makes them appear like opportunities or tasks to be tackled head on.
4. Be thankful for what they have
Happy people may not have the best of everything, yet they make the most of what they have by counting their blessings. They continually feel and express gratitude for all that they have already.
5. Dream big
With high aspirations and the determination to make it big, happy people keep their minds in a positive and focused state. This helps them ignore the minor obstacles in life as insignificant and temporary, making it more likely that they will accomplish whatever they set out to achieve.
6. Don't make excuses
Instead of blaming others for failures in their lives or making excuses, happy people own their mistakes and proactively make efforts to change things for the better.
7. Live in the present
Some of the unhappiest people you may know would be those dwelling on past personal tragedies or glorious days. Happy people don't do either, instead they live in the present and get immersed in all they are doing at the moment.
8. Make friends wisely
Surrounding yourself with positive-minded optimistic people is of extreme important, as these friends will encourage you to work towards your objectives. Positive energy is contagious and good to be surrounded with.
9. Evade social comparison
Different people work at their own pace and comparing others successes or failures with your own will only give you a feeling of inferiority or superiority. Happy people focus on their own progress and appreciate others for their achievements.
10. Don't seek others' approval
Doing things to gain others' approval will only lead to gross unhappiness. Happy people do what they want to without letting others discourage them, because it is simply not possible to please everyone. Your own approval is all that matters!
11. Eat well
Unhealthy foods, particularly junk food generally makes you feel lazy and sluggish. Happy people eat well, because all that you eat influences your body by producing hormones that dictate your mental focus, energy levels and moods.
12. Exercise with dedication
Among numerous other benefits, exercising increases happiness levels, improves your morale and gives you an enhanced feeling of self-accomplishment. Exercising regularly requires determination and commitment, which happy people generally possess or acquire.
13. Be truthful
Telling lies is very stressful, makes people unpopular and eats away at their self-esteem. Being truthful is liberating, improves mental health and establishes trust. Happy people are always truthful and proud of it.
14. Establish personal control
Everyone has the ability to choose their personal destiny. Happy people do not allow others to dictate how they should spend their lives, and this feeling of being in control of their lives creates feelings of self-worth and positivity.
15. Accept whatever can't be changed
Happy people accept the reality that life is unfair and everything will never be perfect. This acceptance provides inner peace. Rather than obsessing about how unfair your life is, simply focus on the elements that can be controlled or perhaps changed for the better.
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