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The 7 Simple Personal Development and Self Improvement Questions to Ask Yourself

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 29 August 2013 | 19:00

Sometimes, despite the fact that there are usually some real life issues to think about and to discuss, I quite often feel rather contented with my life. Having said that I also find myself aspiring to be more and to do more.
So, it made me wonder, "am I the only person who feels like this?" Probably not, I thought. So how DO you find out what it is you TRULY want. After examining many of my personal development and self improvement materials, I came up with a list of 7 questions to ask yourself when considering what path you should take along the way to becoming the best that we can be.
... and here they are... I hope you get as much benefit from them as I have.
1. What Do I REALLY, REALLY Want?
I dare say there are many things you want to do with your life, and like most people you find yourself with so little time during the day to even consider self improvement.
So, you really need to think about this one, as this is the key to persisting along the path you choose, and make it a BIG goal. You may as well, as it takes the same amount of effort to dream big as it does small. So REALLY MAKE IT BIG.
2. How Can I Really Make the Change?
Asking yourself this question really gets the mind working overtime. In most cases( if not all )the answer to this will be a resounding YES! Of course you can make the change, it doesn't matter how old or how young you are, Whether you are considered rich or poor. Anybody can change it is NEVER too late. So keep asking this question.
3. What is My Motivating Factor?
What is YOUR motivating factor? It's an answer you have to find for yourself. But you WILL have one. The thing that keeps me motivated and focussed is my family, I want the best for them. Once you find your motivating factor you can become unstoppable. Part of the personal development and self improvement process is to discover what will motivate you, in order for you to keep going through the many tough times you will surely encounter along the way.
4. What Really Makes You Tick?
You can be just about anything you want to be, but you have to believe you can do it. If you begin to think that the goals you have set yourself are too difficult to attain, then you maybe giving up before you even start. Always remember, that self-improvement is not just about the personal development and physical or philosophical change you have to undergo, but it also has to be something that you really and truly desire to happen.
5. Have I Done Enough for Myself?
Have you, or is there something more you want to do? There probably is, but beware of discontentment. In order to achieve what you want, you must be grateful for what you already have. The Law of Attraction states that you attract what you think and focus on, so focussing on the things you are not happy with (discontentment) will only bring you more of the same. So focus ONLY on what you want and be grateful for what you have now!
6. Am I Operating Outside of my Comfort Zone?
Achieving what you desire usually means changing what you are doing. Einstein said "Doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity".
Nobody has ever said that changing your life and results would ever be easy, you will probably need to find something that will take you out of your comfort zone, this is the ONLY way to make the change of direction you are looking for. The personal development and self improvement route is littered with people who were unwilling or unable to challenge themselves sufficiently. So this is were you need to go back to point No 1 and make sure your goals are big enough to scare you then do it scared!
7. How Much Could I REALLY Have?
I suppose in this case there is no such thing as having too much or too little, it's more about how badly you need it. So exactly how much are YOU willing to work for it?
That's it, start your personal development and self improvement journey THE RIGHT WAY, by asking yourself the 7 questions above and you will start with a BANG!
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