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You Need To Market Yourself

Written By Unknown on Thursday, 29 August 2013 | 19:03

How can anyone convince anyone of anything, sell anything, market anything or anyone, or approach optimal performance and/ or results, if he does not first sell himself? Why would anyone even consider, pay attention, listen to, or be motivated by anything you said or did, if you did not effectively convince them that you are worth paying attention to?
This is far more essential than one's ego, and while it might be a manifestation of having a positive mental attitude, taking steps to get your name out in a positive manner is often one of the biggest necessities of relevance. While there are many aspects of self marketing, three that should be considered include: effectively networking; assuring positive exposure; and answering the question in the mind of others, "Why you?"

1. The concept of networking is bantied about so often that it often diminishes the concept. Effective individuals understand that merely attending events, belonging to organizations and putting yourself out there, is not what it really means to network. Rather, effective networkers join those organizations that they have a passion for, and place making some difference as the priority, rather than just making contacts. It means that they get to know others on a true level, rather than simply on a surface one. No one ever is friends of everyone, but must continuously represent themselves at a level that others respect, are attracted to, and care about. True networkers, by their actions, make themselves stand out in a distinguished manner.
2., What is exposure all about, and is it positive, neutral or negative? Unlike those celebrities who seem to have the attitude that any publicity is good, the reality is that unless others respect, trust, believe in, and are attracted to you, the exposure is less than productive or positive in nature. We enhance our image and thus the perception others have of us, by how we handle ourselves, our commitment to absolute integrity, and our ability to be more productive and successful than most.
3. In considering this concept, it all comes back to the idea behind the simple question, "Why you?" What differentiates you in a positive manner? Have you creative a true and meaningful niche? Are others attracted to you as a resource or go - to type of individual, or do they perceive you as merely another empty suit? Are your actions value - oriented, or are they just self - serving?
When you realize that everything in life is about selling, whether it is about a product, service or yourself, we must recognize that there is a process of balancing the marketing of you, versus just trying to do so. Others eventually recognize the difference, so the essential of self marketing must be consistency of a winning, attractive, successful, and meaningful persona.

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